Why Engtaobao?
Engtaobao.com specializes in providing shopping and shipping services from Taobao in English. As a professional Taobao agent, we help you buy all kinds of products at a low price from China's biggest online shopping website. We are your best service with low commission and cheap international shipping fees. Purchase, check carefully and deliver the items from Taobao.com.
Search and choose the items on Taobao.com Place the order and make the first payment. When the order arrives at the warehouse, we will check the quality, take the pictures, if there is any quality issue, we will return the item to the original seller. Submit your order to ship, pay for the international shipping fee and service commission. You can track the order on our website.
Taobao is China’s largest online market, it supplies high-quality items with incredible prices. Nearly an unlimited range of items to buy from Taobao.com. Here you can get the products you cannot find anywhere else. Buy Chinese, Asian traditional products at the lowest price. Find goods shipped directly from factories. Search for lots of creative, unique and hand-made products at low price on Taobao
As the best Taobao English Agent, we help you to search the items on Taobao.com and China's other largest online marketplaces at the best prices. When the items arrive at our warehouse, we will check the quality carefully, and send you the photos to check the quality. We offer a drop shipping service to all our clients. You can ship the products which you order from Taobao.com directly to your clients.
When shopping with a Taobao English agent, you benefit from a low international shipping fee, for most items the total cost is at least half of the price in your country. We help you to ship the products that you buy, If you buy from Taobao.com by yourself and want to send parcels with the cheap shipping fee, then we can help you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you already work with a shipping company, you can still use our buying and shipping service, we will send the parcels to your shipping company directly.
As a Taobao English agent, we offer professional customer service. Our customer service team help you to communicate with the Taobao sellers and translate product description to you. We offer the best prices for international shipping from China and translation services for Taobao.